Sunday, January 16, 2011

The walls of entrapment

How true,looks indeed do deceive,
you can see the smile on his face,
you can see the glint in his eyes,
But damned is he forever..
for there is no one who can know the pain he feels inside..

Years ago, with dreams in his eyes,
His journey began unhintered
Sticking to his path all along, though
somewhere he faltered..

This majestic but solemn citadel encompasses him
Can't break down these dreary walls
A prisoner of his own mind
With no sign of reprieve to find

As he sifts through the ruins
There is no comfort,
no warmth for which he pines
The culmination into perdition would be his sentence..
or so a weary soul may opine...
"It had to be someone and it was me" he wails
When every reason for his predicament fails.

But then... a brilliant sun ray pierces a thousand black clouds
keeps him going, for he knows, destiny is his
..and this is his destiny

As I wipe that tear and place my pen down
I find the citadel around me bathed in sunlight..
The light...ever so enriching light of hope..

For hope is the greatest of all things and it never dies...

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